Friday, September 01, 2006

1st of September, where is my happyness?

The month is right, the date is right....the day is right, it is Friday and the work week is almost over, so why am I sad?
I'm 26 and still asking the same questions I was asking when I was 18. Why, when where and how do we find our happiness? Sometimes it seems like I have it figured out and the rules by which I should be abiding are pretty clear, but when the moment comes and I should follow the ruels, the stupid rules don't work, or are incapable of performing the making sense function, or cheering up function.
I miss my dad and I miss my friends near and far. At least Jenny is coming to visit me this evening with Eric, a little glimmer of cheer, but in general what is to become of the weekend? It is nasty outside, raining and it will probably rain all 3 coming days.
I was having a good time on my vacation and once again thought I can just cut off the emotions (not that I have ever been able to do it). But of course like in previous times, it doesn't work like it. The attachments formed over a course of week, ran deeper then expected and I will need some time before my little heart has calmed down and reason has convinced me that I am being foolish and I should just go on. Besides the main principle which I thought I have figured out, to not build one's happyness around anyone else, is not convincing enough argument again for my heart to detach it in a hurry from the people I've grown to like even if in a short period of time.
Damn ups and downs of this life. We have to pay for every sweet indulgence we've experienced with at least a day or week of utter misery or despair and confussion.

T.G.I.F. is not working for me today.


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