Tuesday, August 19, 2008

ashamed of my absence on my own site:(...bad very bad...

I just looked at the last entry...almost a year ago, shame, shame on me...what happened?
Relationships - is a simple and plain answer. When they are good, they take up all your time, when they are bad, they take up all your time as well...can we win?

so maybe I can try to be a bit better...and learn to devote a little time to myself from now one, no matter the relationship or no relationship...

for this short restarter post, I will leave a little bit of writting I've had as of last...
just this and that about thing that I happen to pick up on the cross-roads in my life!

"we shared a path to the coffee fountain,
while we exchanged the dreams of night passed
we talk of all things
meaningful or not
to make the experience last

you said 'i'm going to set the fire to your mother'
...the words were funny, but the idea not,
but all that matters it that we see
beauty in each other

thank you for being my friend and for your friendship, a precious gift
a place of refuge, of fun - a land of raw and precious possibilities
this friendship was, will be and is, is, is, is..."

I'll be back.