Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Feeling good in the "neighborhood":)

Well, what a difference a day can make and a couple of nice emails from old co-workers:)
I got an email yesterday from one of my good co-workers in the company I just left and he said" Actually I never thought that I will miss you but the reality is that I miss you a lot." That kind of cheered me up and then my old boss emailed me and said: "You are welcome back any time." that wasn't so bad at all.
And I had a good talk to my future to be roommate last night and that cheered me up even more. I don't think I will have as many problems with the imigration as I thought I will. Always helps if the other things in life will not be easy for a while.
And I got a CD finally yesterday of "KEANE" and I was able to listen to my favorite song "somewhere only we know" over and over again, so I suspect it will not stay my favorite for too long:)
But the day today was gorgeous, absolutely wonderful. I wish I could spend all day outside, but at least I can see the sun through the window.
So all and all things are cool. I haven't counted my blessings recently but I feel at least that I'm not alone and someone is whatching over me. I can see, I can drive, I can walk and I'm healthy so life is good:)


Blogger [ j e n n ] said...

good...i'm glad to know you are happier today. why didn't you tell me you loved keane so much! i could have burned you a cd on one of those nights we were "burning cd's"! i just woke's 1 o'clock...but i didn't sleep till 4...i really need to get myself back on a normal sleeping schedule...

1:31 PM  

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