Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Crossroads indeed - that's where I'm at. I'm trying to be nice to certain people in my life, but it seems that the time for nice is going to be soon over, because there are no results. I am avoiding to say directly to the face my emotions and trying to tell them through the works and actions to spare someones emotions, but it isn't working .Unless I plainly tell to the face and sream from the top of my lungs "I DON'T LOVE YOU", I have a feeling nothing else is going to work.
I wrote a pretty honest email about 3 weeks ago, telling all the things that make me unhappy. I finally got a partial response. Don't I think before I write such cruel things???????
If only you knew that I wrote the email to spare you of even worst things I had to say to you. Maybe I'm doing it all wrong!!!!!
Out of the respect for all the years that we've spent together I'm trying to relay the truth of loss of love softly in order not to hurt the person. I'm trying to do it slow to spare the sudden blow of reality. But what I'm seeing is that sparing someone isn't getting over the message.

Oh I can't deal with it anymore.
My body is my temple, and I want to be the only one who decides what is done to it. I don't need noone else telling me "what I want" when I don't want it. I don't need anyone else patronizing me in a relationship in which I should be an equal part or told to what to do. I can't have relationship ever with a person who acts as my father and tells me what I think and do wrong. Who calls me a prostitute for liking high-heal shoes.
Who has backward technices for supposedly an erotic forplay. Who has extinguished the fire in my heart. Who huffs and puffs in order to force me feel sorry for his wound-up stressed out self and give him sexual relaxaton. Who has made me feel like I'm a utencil or a machine for just such a stress-relieving purpose.
I could go on and on, but my better half still would like to have a good memory of the person I've spend together last 6/7 years of my life.


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