Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Hey...I can't believe it....a milestone..
I got my braces off today 10.05a.m.:) to be more precise. And in place I got retainers:).....but that is so much better to be able to pop them out of your mouth whenever you're tired of them not like with braces. I can't believe these are my own teeth:) seems I haven't seen them for 2 years and 20 days....
now I can eat EVERYTHING:) not that I didn't eat everythinh before (well maybe not caramel and sticky, chewy candy) but pretty much everything else.

I have to wear the retainer for 6 weeks and then a stop at the Orthordontist again for evaluation. If everything is going oki, doki, then retainers only for a night time. If teeth still shifting then 6 months more....ufff.but that's still much better than crazy braces. Teeth are so smooth:) and it is nice to be able to feel them with a tounge finally.....ok enough obsessing about the end of braces:)...promise!!!

Work....fine...seems to be picking up finally. Let's see if someone with summon me to come in for the weekend, because a BIG deadline is looming over everyone's head (except mine) right now to get an embassy project out. I hope I don't get asked because I want my Saturday, Sunday to myself.


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