Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I was sitting at my desk at work this morning and for some reason I remembered the cakes that my mom used to bake for me and for other people when I was in Latvia. And I could suddenly smell a slight wiff of the honey cake aroma in my nose. It smelled so sweet even though so faint.
It is kind of nice to be able to recall the smells of different things past and present.
My very first smell memory is of a hospital when I was about 5 years old. I don't remember anything else from that day..... but opening the hospital door and walking up the first steps with my mom and being overwhelmed with the "hospital" smell. I can still recall it. And I think that is my first "smell"memory that I can remember. I like hospitals and the way they smell. Actually hospitals in Latvia smell different than hospitals in America.
I think I had a very nice childhood, nice in a sense of flowers and blooming trees, views, being a clean and loved baby:). Walking a lot and having animals and laughing and running and being given freedom to explore and play. Woods, and bees and being given fresh honey from the hole in the ground by my grandfather. Sitting in the middle of a vegetable bed and seeing my grandfather far in the distance mowing hay in the meadow. Going to pick nuts and mushrooms and berries. Going late at night to the forest and picking up the wild flowers in the middle of the summer and taking in all the smells.
Living with beautiful ferrytales of golden fern flowers that would open only at 12.00 midnight on midsummer night and show me all the hidden riches in the forest. Eating green apples at 3.00 at night after playing endless games with neighbourhood children and cousins under the stars and a lonely maple tree at the bus-stop in the middle of nowhere. Smelling the jasmine bushes at night when the smell is the sweetest and spending nights in the wooden- grandfather- made house with cousins listening to the roaring thunder and lighting and wondering if it will hit the tree right next to the wooden house:)
There were lot of pretty and wonderful and memorable things that contributed to me feeling happy.


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