Friday, July 08, 2005

back from long absence

prompted by a very dear I am again filling up the "imaginary" pages of my blog. It has beenone months an one day since the last time loggin in here. I was seriously hoping to be living in a new place with fun people by now, but life is cruel sometimes and I'm still living a fake married life and looking with hopes into the mailbox every evening hoping to fins my letter of liberation.

..well I hope it is good since it is taking such a long time to get to me.

On the other is Friday and I want to go out and have fun, but none of my real friends are around and co-workers are hurrying back home so I guess I will not be having any beer tonight or laughter. I hope the homies from Michigan and California get back soon, soon so that I can feel a friendly presence again inDC.

It is so nice to have friends like that to miss then and to have them come back into your life.
I wonder " and now this sounds like an excerp from the SEX AND THE CITY:) can we get too attached to our friends???


I suppose it is another form of intoxication to have the need to feel needed and liked...but I think everything is good in good doses.
Yeah, so my 3 time visit to Africa is a trip of the past:) and I'm feeling fine. I got a little heartbroken there for a couple of weeks, but as I told myself earlier I need all kinds of experiances to grow so that was part of the beginning and I survived. It is just so strange to see the different patterns of behaviour an dlife that different people have....some with honesty, some with being upfront and some pulling you and and not having enough courtesy to tell that it was nice/ or not nice but it is over.

So what has happened in the past month note worthy? I started growing my nails:), I just got a haircut...too short (have to work on my lines of communication with a hairdresser), I got a new roommate in a house that I'm still not living:), my dear friend got back from Europe and looks great, and my other good friend is buying an apartment for too much money for the square footage that it is.

Hm...also I started going regularly to the gym and I've been working on the new layout and finishes of my future office space in Crystal City. Exciting...this will be the biggest space up to date (13,000 sq.ft.) that I have actually picked everything for..starting from furniture to furniture color, carpets, paints, wallcoverings, lights, fixtures etc...can't wait what a jungle I will have created considering the tight, tight budget.

And plans for the future? Go to Latvia sometime end of August/ begining of September, maybe spend a week in Bulgaria per friends invitation, come back and apply for my Master's Degree to GW and pass the last section of the Interior Design qualification so that I can become a member of ASID. Well lot's to do...must have some fun this summer... I want to have fun:)


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