Tuesday, November 21, 2006

darn late work hours

being late at work
doesn't feel like a reward
staring endless hours at screen
wondering where I could have been instead
lights have disappeared on streets
i have to produce 5 sheets
by tomorrow before sunrise
i won't get no sleep...surprise, surprise!
can't wait to put my rear on the bus
and leave behind all the stress and fuss
and meet my friend of close and far
i hope we make it to the bar
ny, ny oh here i come
i promise i will have all things done
tomorrow after three i can shout and screem
good times will be real and not just a dream!

he he he...so I'm at work. and taking a break which will prolong my habitation here under horrible fluorescent lights in the wee hour of 11.00p.m. I need to get done by 1.30p.m. so i told myself if i want to catch the last train home and get my laughable 3 hours of sleep before the big Wednesday. I'm gong to NY, NY to visit peaches:) and taste treats and turkey prepared by her skilled hand:) well if she let's me I can wash her dishes again and reignite the unison once again of rhythmatic existance in the kitchen if only for a day:)...
..my right elbow feels like it will fall off shortly..I think I've had it rest on the desk for bout 13 hours now with slight interruptions...wonder what it will feel like when I hit 60 at some point in the future..but that's a far theory to ponder...
I'm looking at my dad's postcard and right about now I would be real happy to be sleeping in my bed back in Nesebr after a healthy Bulgarian meal and a good talk with my dad about everything and nothing....And maybe peak my head outside the window and look at the twinkling lights across the bay before closing my eyes and letting the dreams take over...
...just a wish...

ok...now my knee is aching:) ha haaaaaa ok.back to work maybe I can get outta here in some forseeable future.....(yawn):)


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