Thursday, October 19, 2006

almost a month of silence...

it has been too long. i saw the date of the last post and i'm vaguely ashamed of myself. nothing ever stays ins one place or remains the same...seems like many waters have passed already since a month ago. i'm still working my one year old job...somedays with more vigour then others. i'm learning for exam that i postponed and i've resumed going out - less frequently thought - for happy hours but the halloween is approaching fast and that will be a definite excuse to leave the house and spook around... personal life...rocky and undefined, financial life....also rocky and undefined...alltogether nothing has changed in the consistency with which life grinds me in the great stone mill called everyday...the wear and tear is miles on my red sweetness...
tomorrow...friday the 20th and saturday hills of west virginia if i can wake up early enough to make a day out of a day and not sleep all morning away...


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