Sunday, November 19, 2006

a strange weekend...

I was just cruising on the internet trying to find something useful to do in the last hours of the Sunday nite before sleep and I realized I haven't written anything for awhile and hence my weekend is almost over I could write a few sentences here.....

...I guess firstly....I got yelled at for putting my roommates clothes in the dryer without her permission....:) I didn't do it on purpose but oh well.....that's the consequence of living with people who take things incredibly seriously in their underware not being allowed to dry in the dryer.....I think that probably there is some deeper reasoning behind her unsatisfaction with me...because the thump-thump running up the stairs was crazy to have just originated from me putting clothes in the dryer....ufff..actually can't wait to get away from her and move to my own place...
....well secondly...there was an event yesterday that I attended to with friends and in order to support friend and I was told something that knocked me off my feet for a day and kind of spoiled all the fun I was supposed to have Saturday nite. Fortunatelly, I recovered this morning and all is well in the professional world again and I can expect to be swamped with work continually for the coming holliday season as well as hopefully next year. ...... oh and the eel wasn't sitting well in my stomahc for quite some time during the nite.....a reminder to myself to be careful with fishy treats.
....thirdly...:) hm is there thirdly:)...well alltogether it was an ok weekend....
...I had a brunch on Saturday with a nice guy, smart, modest and courtious:) makes me smile thinking about interacting with polite people. Sometimes I think because I tend to be cinical I overstep the norms on politeness during the conversation and produce a counter-acting smile on my face when someone tries to be polite. I understand it might be off-putting to a person but I don't do it on purpose. I enjoy the amusement of being able to observe the politeness in progress:)...I guess it isn't happening so often nowadays and I'm so used to not meeting polite people who try to be extra carefull with you that when it happens it is like miracle...:) ok I should stop using smily faces now:).....ok I stopped:)
....I have an interview tomorrow morning with the university....if it goes well I will have arms full come January and I will be able to clame myself a student again, even if partial.....I expect to like being spoon-fed theory on design again...should be will be better then that I'm sure...I know it all depends on how much of myself I'll be willing to put into it. I expect I will want to put a lot of myself into it - meaning studying....
....ok.... and for the ending...
this is a little verve that leeked out of my head today while at work trying to concentrate and assemble materials for the project....

....the morning light awoke me but I keep dreaming
I walk the streets of cold wind and wet rain and I don't feel it.

I could be here, but I don't think I am.
If I were somewhere else I wouldn't give a damn.
To exist in a state of daydreaming is not who I normally am.

What brought it on, I'm not quite sure
Like buying 2 for the price of 1 deal - it lured me in.
It was something important, it must have been.
For me to leave myself in a tunnel of dreams.

....he he he...well since I promissed not to use smiley faces I have to express my laughter somehow.....ugh..ok I'll stop. It's almost 10.00p.m. and I need to start winding down hence I need to wake up at 6.00a.m. and I need my sweet 8 hours of sleep.

good night


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