Thursday, November 23, 2006

happy thanksgiving....ny, ny

...there is a little burned smell in the air:) but it is nice because my friend made it and it is the first smell of the thanksgiving dinner to come.....peaches and eric are making the fiest .....mmmmm ...uuuuhuuu...yum, yum....and I'm doing nothing....:)

and by the way it feels good to do nothing.... I got here kind of late last nite, much later then anticipated...the damn chinatown bus was 3 hours late...and once we got on it there was no heat it was broken...but all was not bad. I had a good companion - David - who also happened to be going to NY and 5 hours flew by in conversation...and I realized that it has been a while since it was easy to spend 5 hours like that, not really caring what exactly you talk about ( well a little bit) but to just talk and enjoy the conversation and not worry about the impressions or stuff you i realized that i do talk a lot in certain circumstances...well the circumstance has to be just right...but i can be a chatter box and it probably can be quite annoying he he....i guess long gone are the days were i didn't participate in the conversation due to shyness or some sorts..... but it is amazing the people you can meet on the many different people take the bus it is the "melting pot" in it's literal meaning...put a whole bunch of different people together and let them "stew" for 5 hours till the NY. and upon exit you've learned something new and met someone new and maybe have a more open mind and more appreciation for the people again....
...i had the occuring realization again that i love people (well it might not have been very apparent towards the chinese origin bus operating crew that arrived 3 hours late) but in general people are wonderful... (ok this statement is contingent upon the china town bus arriving on time tomorrow upon my departure from NY):) i guess this might lead me to my holliday thankfullness for having so many wonderful people around me who make this/ my life so beautiful and colorful, my friends and co-workers who make me laugh and who make me grow and develop, my friends and acquaintances who are giving me opportunities to develop personally and financially, my friends who give me advice that is useful and gives me and insight into things without having to spend days and weeks realizing the truth on my own (althought that is useful as well) friends who shelter me and feed me and spend time with me and let me talk about my problemS and life and listen when i talk (paldies LBJ):) but in general...thank you for all the people who surround me and who are who they are around me and who let me be who i am around them and who like me for who i am be it fool, dork, woman, silly girl, interior designer, co-worker, friend or just a human being.....this life is beautiful...


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