Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmassssss:)

I just realized my last posting was only Dec. 10th, seems like a whole century ago. And the Christmas Day is here already. December was an incredibly busy month. I'm not sure where it went but there were so many things to do that it took care of all of my free time for sure. On major events: I am pretty wel settled into my condo, a co-worker of mine with a big heart will come and help me make a door for my den, so that I can get some privacy from my tenants. My second tenant is moving in end of next week. I sent in my first INDEPENDENT mortgage payment this past Saturday, The bank certainly didn't forget that I owe them money:).....but it felt nice to have my "rent" money finally be chanelled towards "non-rent" and start accumulating equity and working for itself. I'm happy with the decision to buy, even thought on occasion I was asking myself if I am convinced that I can get thought this and play the real-estate game the way I had thought I can play. But I think I'll be allright.
...My work is going well. We just had our Christmas Party 2 days ago:) people are fun and even thought I had thought it will be a slow turned out well with it's own charm.
...Story of good friend Jennifer is leaving her work and moving with her husband to Norway...we celebrated her departure on Friday nite and will have an "official" good-bye party on Jan. 20st....and..the finally of the year at Duffy's the Irish Pub/ Restaurant on Dec. 31st...Let's wait for a New Year in style:)...and as for the New Years Resolution?:) to eliminate all of my credit-card debt, to build a wall for the dining room in the condo, and to lay off the junk food:) and go consistently to the even more that I have a arm-band for my iPod and I can actually excersise without worrying about where I place it:)...thank you Laura and Malik.... ok...I might return here if anything spectacular happens but most likely I'm wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New 2007 Now....let it be at least as amazing and more then the 2006 was for me!:)


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