so dead tired
so it is 5.00p.m. isn't it eyelids are so heavy like heavy alloy fo sorts. my #1 wish would be to be at home under my blankets right this second and sleep for a long while. the deadline is drawing close, the materials are slowly coming in yet the bulk of the work is still ahead. i really don't want to work this coming weekend. i have a lot of stuff to do as it is on my switching my drivers licence from MD to VA and unpacking and cleaning...yeah the endless cleaning. i need a whole lot of cleaning supplies as well...everything takes time. i need a curtain rod to dress up the window to get a bit of privacy in the main space. i need a water filter to have normal drinking water and the list goes on and on and on:)..but as i said most of all i need sleep...can i have it like that?:)
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