Tuesday, July 26, 2005

the usual and some unusual

.... (notice 4 dots not 3:) messing around the blog when I should be putting on the final touches on the finish board for my client presentation tomorrow. How typically me....laugh...I wonder if I'll ever learn or grow out of this habit of taking things easy at deadlines:):):)

..but for real I know it is very important but all it takes for me is to imagine the gazillion of stars and the millions of years before me and after me and somehow the deadline evaporates like a light fog 9well not completely)....
....like that too I've become too loose with my mouth as well. I made a comment for which my conciousness bugged me yesterday on my way home and I had to call a co-worker first to consult and then another co-worker to appologize. Well we're even cause he made another comment back at me today so all things are taken care of and we're square.
...on another note...and I'll have a few tonight:) my future roommates are in a conundrum( iihaa a new word I mastered) and I'm proud of myself for handling myself fine this time around. I've learned from the painful/hurtful past that have left some barely noticable to the passer by scars in my heart (but that have shaped my path to this point to big degree) to let the things roll their own way and not rush into things/ presummptions/ dissapointments and rejection/loneliness..but to put a big cussion of friendly laughter between me and the world ( the real world) so.....prettyjbean can be proud of me cause I'm taking the things like a trooper and learning things too.

hm what else. yeah the intern burned me a cd, nice of him and u know what I'm over him too. I've discovered the more you push the affection/ first presumed infatuation asside and talk and joke to a person the better things work out. Much better than trying to think of smart things to say all the time and having tortured moments, which I suspect I'm just inventing in my head.

...ok gotta finish my stuff and have to go home. So many variable at this point in life. I wonder if that's another thing I'm making more complicated than it is. It's like me going shoes shopping turns into a 2 hour choice making between one style and the other. That's another thing I should rethink the way I approach things. Should make things less complicated and spend less time deliberating.

Ok. that's it for tonight. for real:)


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