Saturday, December 24, 2005


Tonight was about music.... I played a little keyboard, my friend's keyboard, listened all day to I-pod and danced my mid-day away infront of the mirror while gift-wrapping.

I tried to pick up the cords on the keyboard for the Sting's "Dead Man's Rope"...had some success and came up to find full lyric's for the song. I'll try again tomorrow and hopefully I'll be able to make something decent out of it.
But besides that here is my attempt to write a little something that reflects how I feel about music:)

"Love of music"

I'm not a great author or writter,
I'm not a composer of any sorts,
But deep inside of me, in my veins,
I have a passion for musical cords.

If I feel down in the early morning
or feel blue at the end of the night,
all I need is a sound of music
to restore my joy and resume my delight.

If I don't have a friend's shoulder handy
When my heart is full and tears cloud my eyes,
All it takes is a good old music
to clear my sorrow and bring back surprise.

I am not a pianist nor a great violinist,
And I don't have baby grand stacked in living room,
But everytime I hear good music,
It makes my heart open up wider and bloom.

more is to come:).......maybe next time about the love of dancing:) he he he
and the Christmas is around the corner too....magic's in the air.....

Thursday, December 22, 2005

things that make me laugh:)

.... lately more and more I have noticed there are small things everyday that tend to lift my mood. I'm not sure if I didn't pay attention to them previously or things that make me appreciate the beauty of everyday have just become more neticable. Like this morning for example, on the radio they were playing all the songs that I really liked:) made me smile as if someone had handed in a list before I stepped into the car with my song wishlist:)
....also someone letting my car in before them on the street:) ...A person who I saw at the beginning of the day and then again at the end of the day.....was so funny to realize we both started and ended our work day at the same time:) each doing our own things, yet meeting on the same spot on the street, our paths crossing twice in one day at the exact same spot:).

People saying good things to me at work:) and making me laugh for their sweet kindness:).....
hm...wind wislink in a way that reminds me of a song:). Birds in the sky in the morning. Sunny mornings. My car treating me nice:). Maybe the spring has decided to come early:)
...and finally:) having a good friend to talk with at the middle of the night about everthing and boys:) he he he.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

X-mas approaching

Half the shopping done, half the work at work done....things tangled and general - life. Not-sure what things are happening currently but the current seems to be carrying me in a direction of unknown at times frightening, yet every day is free and new and ready to be made the most of. I'm looking inside of myself and trying to see if I will have enough strength and wisdom to carry myself alone on the new path of unknown.
"I'm not afraid of what I'll face but I'm afraid to stay" is the excerpt from a Madonna song "Jump". I've been listening to it a lot lately, well among other songs, and wondering what a different state of mind she has, if those are her words. My natural reaction is to be afraid of the things to come because I don't know what's coming, yet I know the present and the familiar and I know my reaction to it. What requires more courage...staying or leaving?
Sometimes I feel I have a rabbit of a soul:) maybe furry but scared. Oh well. Each person has their own problems, wonder if there is anyone perfect in this world.
I restarted writting poems again. In my heart I have just recognized that I do that well only when...:) inspired by certain emotional state:) he he he.

Monday, December 05, 2005

december 5th is snowing in DC:)
I got up today super late for the Monday morning. I think it was due to the fact that I happen to have a glass of white wine and a glass of MOET chapagne last nite with my roommates...he he pure magics if you suffer from insomnia, worked for me anyways.

The drive to work was wonderful, music all the way to the client site. I got to say thankyou here to a friend who inspired me to get the little magic thing called Ipod, because it has payed off in 100 of ways so far and most of them involve lifting my spirits:) instantly. I LOVE music. Speaking of music over the weekend we went to Spy Lounge and Felix combined experiance and they had "The Band" perform in Felix. Yes indeed the name of the group was "The Band":) mui originale:) but anyways, they had a singer...a tiny petite, petite girl that could be Jamaican or maybe not but she had amazing vocals. She took on Jill Scott and Alecia Keys and did awsome. It was amuzing because inbetween singing she would open a jar of honey, dip her finger in it and suck it:) thus coating her throat for an even better performance:)....but really the sound was awsome. It was my little retreat from an overall lonely experiance I would have had in th 2 clubs because all of my friends were busy as it was pursuing opposite sex.
At the end of the nite I did however get to treat myself with a little dancing when the group was winding down, I just couldn't resist. I wish my girlfried was there to share it with me but as it is I believe she's having her own fun in Magic Montreal.
Well, anyways part of the weekend. I felt rested and spurred at the same time.

Friday, December 02, 2005

so I keep missing u

Hey J bean, a strange week has occured and has come almost to an end. I think it will be officially a week that we have not spoken a word in direct phone conversation since I came back from Latvia:)....crazy phone-tag things going on. I'm still awake, however badly I know that I need to be going to bad asap to get up tomorrow morning on time. The traffic tonite was HORRIBLE in DC. Took me about 50 min to move 5 blocks. Plus the Banana Republic employes dorks for cashiers who take forever to sign you up for a card. But finally I made it home and I've been sitting in your/ my room for the past 3 hours, typing and buying and remenissing on your computer. I was planning on going to CA for Christmas to see Mario's pad and maybe visit you but I think I'll have to postpone this trip. I have to buy furniture for the Latvian apartment for my mom and cousin and that will take a chunk out of my travel budget, which I don't have to begin with:) so I think I'll have a nice and quiet Christmas this year by myself. Maybe I'll get a few things done finally that I can't ever find time for like reading and organizing and contemplating the issues in my life:)
Ok, gotta go to bed, I guess you don't really peek in this site that often, but oh well if you do some day - here it is, a small late nite conversation ment for you if we were on the phone......