Saturday, December 30, 2006


so I lost a voice about a week ago...i got it back couple of days later but my throat has been sore and acting up ever since. I must have a mixture os something like a cold and touncil inflamation...but whatever it is it doesn't feel good. it was getting better for a couple of days and now it is back and i can hardly swallow my saliva...a very icky feeling...i wonder how can i bribe my touncils to come to senses....i've admit i've used some pretty harsh methods lately of combating the sore thoat like pure vodka drinks and native latvian linden tree tea:) (which did make me feel better but then i interrupted the regiment with beer drinking and other stuff) so now i know i being punished for not sticking to mom's teas and curing myself fully. i admit i can be a fool... oh...the best part of the week is that i got a door installed in my den today:) for the first time in this past month since i moved into my condo i can close a door behind myself:) and who would have thought that it feels so good to close a door behind yourself on an occasion. So the door is almost closed right now:)...and i'm happy.....and the big thank you goes to Hank:) still and even more now:) my favorite architect of them all who makes things possible. I'm so grateful I have such nice people around me who are willing to spend their time and effort in making my life easier and more enjoyable. This has been a great year for me all and all and I want to send out thank you's to a whole lot of people who are wonderful and who have come and maybe left my world but who all have made such a positive impact on me. I do appreciate absolutelly everything that is being done for me..... (btw?:) do you think i have career in speech writing for the academy:)???:)...ok..just a joke...but in all honesty...i hope next year is as good as this year has been and it will be a success...

p.s. peaches! it is time to update your blog already:) do you think?:) miss you.


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