Friday, January 12, 2007

Sick Days

It finally caught up with me...flu. Three small letters that make you feel so miserable. I am so getting a flu shot next year. And I would have gotten one this year if it wasn't for my own stupidity wanting to safe $25.00 and my arrogance that I never really get that sick. Well turns out I can get that sick. My body has dictated its own rules and decided its is time to stay at home and rest and be sick. I am on my 13th linden tea cup in day and a half and countless glasses of water. But the cough won't subside. I sweat like crazy last night, partially due to the fact that I bundled myself in the blankets like crazy and probably also because my body was doing its own thing.
I have a blood lesion in my right eye which scared me almost to fainting when I first saw it, but after talking to couple people I found out it is normal. I must have blown one of the small arteries under my eye from nose blowing or heavy coughing. I hope it goes away in a day or two, because I look a bit like a vampire with one almost red eyeball and one still white eyeball:)...the good thing is I can still see.....yes that's a very good thing.
I have also missed 2 days of work, which is not a very good thing. I will have to go in tomorrow and Sunday to finish my portion of the project which is due on Tuesday. I guess I was going to go into work anyways Sat. Sunday so in a way instead of 4 consecutive days at work I'll get two and then the Monday begins again.
I have been waiting for a phone call but I don't think he will call. And I guess everything in life happens for a reason. Some of us think their ready for something but probably are not ready (that would be me)...some of us are not ready for anything period. Some of us are focused in different direction which is good for their future. So like I said everyone is doing their own thing and probably that is the best for them at this point in their life.
I wish my two movies would come today so that I have a little entertainment in my sick time. I really need to be on my two feet tomorrow and get back into life. I don't like being sick...and who does?


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