Sunday, January 14, 2007

on the road to recovery...

My "first" day back at work after 2 days of laying in bed....didn't feel so great, but I stuck with it. I think tomorrow will probably be better. And after that I hope I can gear up for a full strength spring and summer season:) more illnesses here please. I think this is probably the second most used phrase in the world, but there is nothing or next to nothing more important then your health - while living anyways. There is nothing else to do if there is no health....OK got that out...

talked to BD tonight and found out that almost everyone attended the B-Day party for Matrix yesterday. And it made me smile, how I manage to miss out always when almost "everyone" attends the party:)...I think it is fate or luck or just pure everything happens for a reason...type of circumstance that makes me not show up at the places at the times when there are people that I don't really have anything else to talk about to.

On the same yet another note....I think I make myself too open to the people I like....and people start taking me for granted. I need to keep my reigns tight on this issue, otherwise my pages are being smeared with all kinds of passers by who are curious to peak in yet have nothing valuable to write in my diary and it is getting annoying. I know I am better then that. I know I am smarter then that, so why do I not act that way? No prior experience in posturing myself in this role.
Tomorrow's Sunday, I'm so glad because I have a schedule yet I don't feel like I have to be places at a certain time, I can play it by ear and be late or early at my own will.
Life is still beautiful:) especially on Sunday mornings.....I wish I could get a clear signal to call my dad, I should really call him...


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