Wednesday, November 23, 2005

pre - thanks

so it is late Wednesday evening and I was contemplating of giving thanks before the big day comes and everyone starts giving out their thanks and my thanks would be muddled and silenced by the many thanks that other people are saying and screaming out load.

In no particular order:
1. I'm thankful for my new job, that let's me keep earning money and let's me pay off my bills on time and let's me enjoy my independence.
2. I'm thankful for my co-workers that are nice to me so far:) and expecially for Hank who keeps my day's filled with laughter at work. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to laught at your work so much and still get paid:)
3. I'm thankful for my health that it hasn't deteriorated and that my single dayly pill keeps me moving and stable and I can perform all of the functions and feel good throughout the day. We so rarely realize how extremely wonderful it is to be healthy and not have to think about health on dayly basis.
4. I'm thankful for owning my first car that let's me experiance the joy's of freedom and independence, that keeps rolling well and gives me pleasures of fast motion with trees and roads passing by me everyday.
5. I'm thankful for my close friends, who keep in touch with me all the time despite my lazy character and passive calling habits. I'm thankful that they remember my number or are willing to push a button on their cellphones and are desiring my conversation however trivial it would come out to be. I don't think about it everyday, but I'm very blessed to have people willing to talk to me:) I don't think I realize the beauty of it often enough.
6. I'm thankful for BDMP for hanging out with me for these past 2 months and for showing me good time and hanging out with me and including me in the happy hours with his friends and co-workers. It has been a necessary boost for my self-esteem to see new places and meeting new people and being able to let loose on my dancing moves not worrying what other people might think of it or how awckward I might look on the floor.
7. I'm thankful for my mother, who is at good health and who was able to finish for me the apartment buying procedure back home. I'm thankful for all her patience and courage in dealing with it. I'm happy that she's willing to pursue studies at this stage of her life and that she so seeks my help even thought I'm often lazy to give any help.
8. I'm thankful for having found my father and for having seen him finally face to face this year. I'm thankful for the beautiful card he sent me encouraging me in the stability of his feelings towards me and reassuring me that even thought we're so far apart I have a home in his heart.
9. I'm thankful for knowing Neli my friend who constantly boosts my self-esteem with small nice wards and gifts and for her elocuent talking gifts:)
9A. I'm thankful for living in a country that is safe and let's me go about my dayly life not worrying about safety, but let's me concentrate my thoughts on further self-development as opposed to mare survival.
10. I'm thankful for everyday meals and the variety that I have available, and the fact that I can please my taste buds with goods everyday.
11. I'm happy that I'm a reasonably looking person:) that I have good sight, smell, taste, all limbs and everythings is functioning well. I don't think I say thanks for this often enough, because that's what helps the rest of the things happen and be appreciated.
12. I'm thankful for jjbean in my life who calls me day and nite, who shares her beautiful, naughty and funny thoughts with me and who inspires me technologically and mentally. I'm thankful that I get to stay in her room and feel her presence grow in my life and enjoy her company more and more.
13. I'm thankful for having a beautiful dog. That I was able to fulfill my childhood dream of having and owning a dog and being able to see her whenever I want.
14. I'm thankful for my cousins who keep in touch with me and who have filled in the sister/ brother spots in my life for not having any siblings in my life. It is nice to realize that the heart is what matters, that you can become so close with someone as if you were carrying the same blood and that it doesn't take real blood to feel that way:)
15. I'm thankful for being allowed religious freedom and for being able to make up my own mind in what I want to believe and how much I want to be involved in it, and how often I want to be involved in it.
16. I'm thankful for music, for never ending new songs for new experiances that please my music taste buds, for goosebumps that appear on my skin when I get carried away by a new tune. I'm thankful for an ear that let's me perceive music so beautifully and gives me so much pleasure by hearing it.
17. I'm thankful for being able to dance and move my body and gaining immense pleasure from doing so. I'm thankful that human body is created this way and that dance gives us such pleasure and outlet and stimulas.
18. I'm thankful for the books and the written word that I'm able to read, pick what to read and gain pleasure from reading.
19. I'm thankful for having access to the computer:) where I can express my thoughts...and I think I'm getting to the end of it.
20. I'm thankful for this life in general that I get to wake up every morning, that I remember what I did yesterday and that I have a tomorrow to look forward to and that I'm living and breating in this century and I can make my own goals and make every attempt to achieve them:)

THE END...for now:)


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