Sunday, March 19, 2006

3 day weekend

I think I'm officially exhausted. 3 day weekend. Friday nite felt like Saturday already and Saturday nite I couldn't believe I didn't have to go to work next day. I saw 6 movies almost in a row - 3 Friday nite - 2 Saturday and 2 Today. Let's recount: Edward Scissorhands (Loved), Fantastic 4 (so - so), Itchi the Killer (not so much), The Wedding Date (Loved oh so much), A lot like love (Very Interesting), Sex, Lies and Videotape (Interesting - I had seen it before, but long enough ago to have forgotten the title), and Just Friends (sooooooo cheessssyyyy) please don't rent this one if u've got better things to do. It is fine for a background movie to a task or activity but not enough to just watch it by itself. So I guess that is 7 movies......My eyes were hurting yesterday seriously and most likely from watching the TV. But today I was sort of productive. I put together the shelf and cleaned up my room and clothes and made the room livable in general for the whole next week:). Ok I'm dying here for brownies....will go to the store and get a brownie mix in a minute. What a nice ending to a Sunday:) sweet:):):)


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