Saturday, April 01, 2006

ready to go home?!#$***

my elbows are killing me, all day up agains the desk, trying to support my fingers and the typing process, never ending typing process for the specs.aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, save me.
I'm ready to go home in exactly 4 min. not staying a minute longer here in this place that is sucking all my free time like a black hole. Well ok, I have admitted voluntarily that I kind of like it here so I can't complain about it, but still, I want to have more chances to smell the spring rain and blossoms that I've only seen so far at Home Depot and through my car window on or back from work. Can't feel my a*s from sitting as well. Is there a solution???

Ok, just short paragraph of little statement of my exhausted state of mind. The roommate is certainly not helping roling in at 4.a.m. making a full blown late nite dinner with friends and laughing in full throat under neath my window for an hour. Not enough of passing, roaring trains at night, but had to suffer from crazy laughter. Ok. I'm done:).


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