Monday, May 15, 2006

one of THOSE nights again I am again...the clocks have shifted all and all today. I'm eating my cereal and it is 9.00p.m. I had soup for breakfast today because my body either didn't tolerate the 5 beers that I had last night while hanging out with BD and seeing Ice Cube live or maybe the quarte of Rum & Raisin ice-cream did me in, but soup was a good start for the day. Not complaining of the cereal either but I'm feeling condemned again becaus instead of taking my car home from the garage I reparked it and came back to work. Now having a moment of cereal and blogging and then back to work. Everyone has left and more than once the thought crossed my mind to just give up and go home. To see if anyone will care in the morning. But I know my phone will ring and actually I need to send an email to one person who will not be getting their package tomorrow morning like I promissed he would because noone offered me any help today and between updating the specs and getting together the revised CID package somehow I didn't have time to worry about the darn tabs and copying all of the supporting plans or making the indexes that need to go in the book. So here I am again. And I wonder why do I care? Tomorrow is another day and everyone always wanted everything yesterday and a lot of people very well live that way, leave the unfinished for tomorrow because tomorrow will always be there....most likely. I'm not sure how my work will every work out if I ever have family and children. If I was to continue the hours I work I would probably leave me if I were the other person. So maybe all of my inner winning for a close sole, a warm hand in mine and lite caresses of the skin have a silver lining for not having had happened yet? Because when would I be able to feel them.

While in front of the copier tonight I was thinking how someone I know "peaches" always manages to get her presentation material together. I do remember her telling that she times herself very well. And I had to think of my clocking abilities tonight, there was an hour left to get the stuff out for FedEx overnight and I realized I will not get it out and I slowed down. I think I refused to get it out because it wasn't going to be the best it can be if I had more time, so I made myself more time and therefore tomorrow morning I will have to write an email justifying not having sent out the package that wasn't complete. But is it all my responsibility? What more could I have done today. I'm spending already here wee hours and I don't think I should have to do all this on my own. Everyone is so busy that even the priorities are not priorities anymore in comparison to disasters that fall on your head:) not funny but I can't keep thinking how unorganized sometimes everything is. There is a moment of short glimpse of order once in a long while and then immediatelly it gets swept away by tonns of things that needed to be given to the end user yesterday or today. Everything takes time and more time and more and more and more time. I start to appreciate the time that I have. I'm getting very mad at all the stupid credit card companies that keep sending me crap to respond to, the companies like DHL who can't find the address and I have to call them and tell them where exactly I live and that no it isn't a new construction in Alexandria, it has existed for a while now...things like that irritate the bg's out of me!
Ok. I've vented I need to go back and lock myself in the copy room until I produce 3 copies of CID books at least as far as I can take them. I hope to be able to be in bed by 12 midnight under fluffy covers.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


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11:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:09 PM  

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